Ask for Help this Winter
Our waiting list for intake (surrenders) is the highest it has been all year. In the lead up to xmas people are becoming increasingly desperate; for time, money, energy and the level of surrender requests is unbelievable. Most days we get at least 5-10 requests for surrendering and most of them titled 'urgent'.
If you are struggling with your rabbits, please get in touch. Please, please do not leave it until you are at the point of desperation before contacting us as this then puts us under immense pressure when the situation is critical and leaves us feeling extremely low and helpless if we cannot help right away. Instead, we would beg you to get in touch right when you are starting to struggle. Even if it's for support or advice. Or rest bite care until your circumstances stabilise. It allows us to get you on the waiting list before it becomes an urgent situation. We will not judge you or turn you away, we want to help.
If you are struggling financially, we can direct you to pet food banks or help cut the rabbits nails if they need it instead of them growing to the point of injury. Rabbits while expensive, don't *need* luxury things while you're going through a rough patch and we can help until you get back on your feet. We have a great list of ways you can manage your rabbit care until you get back to normal financially.
If you want to learn more about what the process involves after a rabbit has been surrendered, please click here
For help, advice or to get on the waiting list to surrender your rabbit/s, please email us at [email protected]
To all those currently on our waiting list for surrender spaces, thank you for your patience. We promise we are doing our best to bring them in as soon as other buns get adopted. Please do not give them away or put them on a selling site where they could end up passed around, unsafe or worse.
For help, advice or to get on the waiting list to surrender your rabbit/s, please email us at [email protected]
To all those currently on our waiting list for surrender spaces, thank you for your patience. We promise we are doing our best to bring them in as soon as other buns get adopted. Please do not give them away or put them on a selling site where they could end up passed around, unsafe or worse.
Financial Aid Resources:
- PDSA for help financially with veterinary care if you are struggling or on benefits. Saving pets, Changing lives - PDSA
- Food Banks for Pets - Food Banks For Pets | UKs #1 Pet Blog (
- Food Bank Glasgow -Home (
- If you are nearby South Lanarkshire, we are able to provide basic dry food, hay, newspapers (for litter trays) and towels for those with rabbits in desperate short term need.