The UK is in a state of rabbit abandonment crisis and we are urgently appealing for new foster carers to help us continue to save rabbits lives in Scotland.
Our foster carers are absolutely priceless at helping us do what we do!
Could you foster a rabbit?
Hear what our foster carers have to say about their experience:
What stops you from fostering?
We accept foster carers from all backgrounds, experience levels, home types and environments.
What you need:
A safe space in your house or garden (away from your own rabbits if you have them) approx 6ft or more
Transportation (for long term fostering) to get to and from the rescue in South Lanarkshire (ML11) and a vet for emergencies
We are looking for:
Long term foster carer - You will care for a single bunny or a bonded pair until they’re adopted. This could be for 1-8 months. Once your foster placement gets adopted, you’ll return the rabbit(s) to the rescue and return home with your new placement. You will need transportation to long term foster.
One bun commitment - This is for those who wish to consider fostering so would like to foster one bun until they get adopted before committing to becoming a full time foster carer.
Holiday cover/emergency foster carer - This is for those not able to commit fully to fostering due to circumstances but would like to be able to help occasionally at various times of the year. This would involve fostering in emergencies for a short period of time (1 - 7 nights) or foster holiday cover which could be between 1-4 weeks to allow another foster carer to go on holiday (this is a good option for those who do not drive).
Foster trial - This is for those considering welcoming rabbits into their life but are unsure if it right for them and their families or if they may be allergic. This is available as an indoor trial only, and a full indoor set up is provided for 1-2 months to care for a pair of rabbits that are well matched to the person and their family/household.