In a faraway place called Bunderland, there was a village of bunnies. In this village lived two Bundoptables destined to be together, Betty & Boofle.
One of Señora Bolero’s (Bunderland’s dance teacher and matchmaker extraordinaire) most incredible and heartwarming matches was that of a beautiful young bun called Betty and a handsome but lonely young man called Boofle.
Betty & Boofle were a match made in heaven and once they were taught the dance of love together, they binkied off into the sunset to prepare for the big day. After their bunderful wedding day, they were whisked off to their Bunnymoon to visit the Beiffel tower and walk paw in paw to a hoppy ever after.
Betty & Boofle are now looking for a newly wed home to live together, if you can offer this to them then adopt them. To adopt them, just click below.